A&D decorative light switches – Eternity symbol


Electric switch for concealed (internal) wiring. 0-250V, 0-16A. SCHNEIDER electric mechanism. Material – oak (solid), ebony, linseed oil.

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What is required from an amulet? – to work. To be effective, any amulet needs to be constantly touched by hands. And we have figured out how to achieve this – we’ve created an decorative electrical switch made of natural wood. We can offer five types of decorative switch and outlet covers: switch of luck, happiness, wealth, eternity and life. Just imagine – every time before leaving the house you turn off the light – and touch the switch of luck attracting good luck into your life. And the same happens when you come back. It works – what could be better? Don’t hesitate, order our switches and attract all you need into your life! Evil eye home decor is not complete without our decorative light switch wall plates – switch-ON Life.
Many people want to decorate their home according to feng shui or other occult decor, sometimes even using buddha painting. It is much more difficult to make the protection amulet to be used organically in everyday life, to be touched all the time and our turn-ON is the perfect solution.
Electric switch for concealed (internal) wiring. 0-250V, 0-16A. SCHNEIDER electric mechanism. Material – oak (solid), ebony, linseed oil.


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