
Free shipping is always included in the price of the item. After COVID-19, the prices for shipping have gone up a lot, so our items are not very cheap. The shipping costs aren’t the only problem. We suffer even more because of barbaric behavior of customs.

To improve the safety of orders we send, we take a range of measures – we try to pack well, taking into account potential barbarism. Sometimes we even make “inspection windows” for customs or even send goods in transparent boxes.

The test of strength –

In order to test our packaging in 2022, we sent a parcel to the USA to a non-existent, incorrectly listed address. The order came back to us. It’s a pity the box can’t talk – we would have listened. But you can see that the box has made a successful journey “there and back” –

The side of the box shows signs of being opened at customs, no other damage can be found. We believe that this was an excellent test of durability. Since then, we’ve tightened up the defense even more and now our A&D Room Divider Folding Screen is packaged and shipped like this –