Carpinteria Artística. Andres Audet y Puia, Barcelona, 1900, 183 pages, 15mb

(1 customer review)


Bibliographic rarity – almanac for designers and furniture makers of the beginning of XXth century.

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Artistic carpentry. Barcelona: Miguel Seguí artistic publishing centre, ca. 1900.
We are still searching, but so far the book is missing 85-90 and 92 pages
Splendid, extremely rare work of Catalan Art Nouveau with decorative drafts of the best models of classical and modern joinery by domestic and foreign authors, all in decorative Art Nouveau style. The designs show furniture and entire room furnishings, paneling and borders, doors and portals, facades for various stores, stairs, fences and much more. – Some of the magnificent drafts bear the artists’ names. In addition to the publisher (architect Andres Audet y Puig): Angrill y Raig, R. Campmany, Casas y Bardès, R. Colonja é Hijo, J. Domènech y Estapà, C. Durán, Escuder, A. Font y Carreras, A. Gaudi (plate 49: Puerta de Calle), G. Granell, G. Homar, R. Llardench, J. Majo, Juan G. Mimó, F. Nadal, Odena y Roura, M. Pascual, Prat y Castane, Puig y Cadafalch, J. Puigdengolas, Queraltó y Planas, Raventós y Serrano, A. de Riquer, Romogosa, E. Sagnier, E. Sala, F. Villar, a.o. Bibliographic rarity.
Almanacs called Carpinteria Artistica have been published up to the present day, which makes it possible to trace the increasing primitivization of tastes and the replacement of original artistic solutions and the virtuosic work of carpenters with faceless and boring modern products.
Modern interiors can utilize the sketches from this wonderful book. As an example, we will give the post and the product.
The delivery is in the form of a pdf file. This is a scanned book.

1 review for Carpinteria Artística. Andres Audet y Puia, Barcelona, 1900, 183 pages, 15mb

  1. Paul


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